Magical problem with compilate

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  • Hi boys,

    The problem is as follows: when i was running the compilate machine my computer was flooded (by tea - a the long story, fuck my life :cursing:).

    After changing the motherboard (which suffered) and trying to compile the server i get an error i did not understand - i did not understand because before the computer "fell" the game compiled without any problems. I've been working on this src for several months and i never had a problem with compiling until the motherboard was flooded.

    My compilation log:

    Error after linking "test" and "game" files (db compiles normally):

    It is interesting that when i put in clean source code, the game compiles without problems. I would like to remind you that my code was compiled the same day i flooded the motherboard, and after a change errors are suddenly displayed and the compilation is aborted.

    Anticipating the answers about defining the following functions, i have defined them, because as i said, the code compiled for several months without a problem until the "fall" of the computer.

    Does anyone know the answer to solve this problem?

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