POINT_CHANGE random crash after max yang increase

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  • Hey dev's!!

    I have a very big problem.. i try so much thing to make it work.. but its impossible to me.. i want ask to your help.!

    If any idea please help me!!

    So.. i increased max yang.. ok its work "good" but only one problem.. client closing randomly.. with this sysrr:

    Unknown packet header: 66, last: 17 19

    ok.. no i got the point... this headers/packets are wrong:




    ok..its GC.. so think Game send fucked up things to client...

    So no idea.. in max yang increas we changed the whole PointChange in char.cpp think long long amount.. think this fuck up every thing... so if anybody has idea for this to make it work... please help me with this.. im so sad about this error.. Thanks!!!

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