Beiträge von Crowlai

    Hello to all developers,

    I am forced to buy a guild system because my ideas about this system exceeded my skills.

    The concept of the system is as follows:

    • Experience per level is added to the elixir which has a limit, guilds are leveled with this elisir
    • The number of people that can be added to the guild depends on its level
    • Do not lose your guild blacksmith after an unsuccessful upgrade
    • Guildsmiths level up, the higher the level, the chance to upgrade the item
    • Passive guild skills, e.g. strong against monsters (min. +x% max. +x%)
    • Only the guild leader can level the guild skills
    • Passive guild skills affect every character in the guild
    • Only from level 20 of the guild can buildings / blacksmiths be placed
    • Guild wars - after 3/4 wins (not with the same guild) the guild chooses a bonus for x time
    • New gui

    Requirements: gcc 4.2.1


    For some time I can not deal with a problem, namely: After adding another costume slot, the belt is put in the wrong place and the items in the "ring" slot overlap. In my observations, the items above "ITEM_TYPE_BELT" are in the wrong places after being equip. I have several additional slots and a rune system (written by myself), which works by creating a new slot type (for example: type - ITEM_RUNE, subtype - RUNE_ONE) and there was no problem with putting items on these slots. Before equip ring: Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen. | after equip ring: Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    The problem arises when trying to add another subtype to the type ITEM_TYPE_COSTUME adds it in the way I created the previous slots, namely:


    1. enum ECostumeSubTypes
    2. {
    3. [...]
    5. };



    1. PyModule_AddIntConstant(poModule, "COSTUME_TYPE_METIN_DWNL", CItemData::COSTUME_METIN_DWNL);
    2. PyModule_AddIntConstant(poModule, "COSTUME_SLOT_METIN_DWNL", c_Costume_Slot_Metin_Dwnl);

    I also increased c_Wear_Max & WEAR_MAX_NUM & WEAR_MAX_NUM & WEAR_MAX to 64.

    Does anyone have any idea what to do, how to deal with the problem? Or maybe I just forgot something (although I doubt it).

    Recently, browsing the Internet, I came across a picture with a new bulletin board (unfortunately I do not have the original picture), whether the system is widely available, whether it is written by someone because I do not know whether to start writing myself just like do_notice is built or start looking and use the available add-on. If it's widely available and someone knows his name, I'd be very grateful.

    More or less it looked like this: Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.


    Very strange situation, after typing "gamke dep && gmake clean && gmake -j" several times, the compilation was successful, to test whether the game is updating i added a simple chat package that appears when logging in - everything works, i do not understand it completely, but thanks for your help.


    To be honest, i have no idea what was meant to delete "desc.h" from "cmd.cpp".

    I have already tried to replace it with a clean one, but i will delete it temporarily. I have already tried by all means. The compilation will take a while as it is FX-4100 (rip motherboard with ryzen 5) :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::joy:

    This is a Linker error.

    Can you post your makefile ?


    Hi boys,

    The problem is as follows: when i was running the compilate machine my computer was flooded (by tea - a the long story, fuck my life :cursing:).

    After changing the motherboard (which suffered) and trying to compile the server i get an error i did not understand - i did not understand because before the computer "fell" the game compiled without any problems. I've been working on this src for several months and i never had a problem with compiling until the motherboard was flooded.

    My compilation log:

    Error after linking "test" and "game" files (db compiles normally):

    It is interesting that when i put in clean source code, the game compiles without problems. I would like to remind you that my code was compiled the same day i flooded the motherboard, and after a change errors are suddenly displayed and the compilation is aborted.

    Anticipating the answers about defining the following functions, i have defined them, because as i said, the code compiled for several months without a problem until the "fall" of the computer.

    Does anyone know the answer to solve this problem?