Beiträge von Metin2Team

    This is the visual studio code extension for metin2 quests:


    it's based on these things:

    * Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    * Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    * Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    special thanks: martysama0134 for the detailed documentations.

    Known issues:

    defines like: define VAR x (are not allowed)


    * Added support for quest as a separate language.

    * Added lua syntax checker from lualinter.

    * Fixed quest syntax checker will check both lua and quest.

    [0.0.3] - 2019-09-25

    * Minor fixes.

    [0.0.4] -2019-09-26

    * Added functions parameters support. Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    * Added the extension to VS Code MarketPlace.

    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    These are the latest locales and protoes.


    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.


    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.


    the ADDON_TYPE3 ADDON_VALUE3 are missing from the first line in item_proto please add them.

    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    Special thanks to martysama0134  P3NG3R Noff

    Have fun.

    Mostly the servers don't set up any Table Postfix, so the variable was replaced with cleary nothing, so that the tablename "player_deleted" was right in any constallation. That would bug, if you set a table postfix in the config-files.

    King Regards

    thanks for your explanation which I already know :)

    you can’t really prevent itCaptchas are useless if you don’t use the client
    Neither are ip blocks since you could use proxies

    actually, you haven't got the complete idea.
    captcha will be server-side and encrypted even if you know the packet you can't figure out what the captcha letters are so only the client can decrypt it. +
    the IP block isn't just an ip block there are "IP & HWID & MAC" which we can use.
    those are just ideas to show that you can prevent that easily.
    the captcha should be in a vector for every blocked ip/hwid/mac whatever the method you use also should be server-side.

    good luck.

    I think rather than arguing about the best way to get use of this method, we should work on some sort of a solution to it.

    setting a counter of failed attempts then blocking the ip for a certain period of time and a cool-down between login requests would solve the issue.

    or even adding some sort of a captcha for logins if the logins failed attempts exceed 5. :D

    sounds a wonderful idea.
    Thanks for that idea.

    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen. I agree with you in some points and disagree in others. (not sure if I understood what you wrote fully -google translated-)
    what I agree on is that the developers who have knowledge about the source won't gain much knowledge out of it but what I don't agree with when you said not getting anything from it. you might get something out of it that you haven't worked on.
    let's say for example: db -> game internal communications, or how a packet is even sent from db -> game and vice versa.

    a good point @Sanii's referred to is adding some sort of compileable source files (clean - with some real fixes not retarded ones)
    another point would be adding a list of all public systems with a vote option, so that whoever tests that can vote and others will decide if it's a good system or a bad one.

    a good start is to do like what marty has done a while ago:
    Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    if you really want new and "ancient" developers to benefit from this idea it should be in English language not in German language.
    good luck.

    1. void CHARACTER::AutoRecoveryItemProcess(const EAffectTypes type)

    Check this function and there's "pItem->SetSocket(idx_of_amount_of_used,"
    you can comment that but you need to remove the line from where it states the percentage left of the potion.
    not completely sure but it should work.
    good luck.

    1. check the ssh service if it's running.
    #service sshd status
    should return "% running %"
    2. also check your firewall pf or ipfw
    3. last check /etc/resolv.conf should have your router's ip (
    good luck.