Beiträge von Syreldar

    Hello, one information: Isn't the system supposed to handle the tooltip of the bonuses?

    I remember that when i was on the official servers, by hovering each bonus in the window, its tooltip would appear. But it does not seem like it does with this version of the system.

    1. if (m_dwRace == 691 || m_dwRace == 1907 || m_dwRace == 592 || m_dwRace == 5163 || m_dwRace == 5162 || m_dwRace == 5161 || m_dwRace == 5002 || m_dwRace == 5001 ||
    2. m_dwRace == 2596 || m_dwRace == 2595 || m_dwRace == 2591 || m_dwRace == 2495 || m_dwRace == 2492 || m_dwRace == 2306 || m_dwRace == 2207 || m_dwRace == 2206 ||
    3. m_dwRace == 2191 || m_dwRace == 2101 || m_dwRace == 2091 || m_dwRace == 1902 || m_dwRace == 1901 || m_dwRace == 1334 || m_dwRace == 1306 || m_dwRace == 1304 ||
    4. m_dwRace == 1192 || m_dwRace == 1191 || m_dwRace == 1096 || m_dwRace == 1092 || m_dwRace == 1091 || m_dwRace == 793 || m_dwRace == 791 || m_dwRace == 692 ||
    5. m_dwRace == 691 || m_dwRace == 591 || m_dwRace == 3090 || m_dwRace == 3091 || m_dwRace == 3190 || m_dwRace == 3191 || m_dwRace == 3290 || m_dwRace == 3291 ||
    6. m_dwRace == 3390 || m_dwRace == 3391 || m_dwRace == 3490 || m_dwRace == 3491 || m_dwRace == 3590 || m_dwRace == 3591 || m_dwRace == 3595 || m_dwRace == 3596||
    7. m_dwRace == 3690 || m_dwRace == 3691 || m_dwRace == 3790 || m_dwRace == 3791 || m_dwRace == 3890 || m_dwRace == 3891)
    8. __AttachEfektBossa();

    Is this really..okay?

    Instead of that, write:

    2. uint32_t dwRank = CPythonNonPlayer::Instance().GetMonsterRank(c_rkCreateData.m_dwRace);
    3. uint32_t dwType = CPythonNonPlayer::Instance().GetMonsterType(c_rkCreateData.m_dwRace);
    4. if (dwRank >= 4 && dwType == 0)
    5. __AttachEfektBossa();
    6. #endif

    ofc, create the said functions before.

    It's not important, but you should write the function like this:

    1. function get_horse_summon_prob_pct()
    2. local skill_level = pc.get_skill_level(131);
    3. if (skill_level <= 1) then
    4. return 10 + 5 * skill_level;
    5. end -- if
    6.     return skill_level * 10;
    7. end -- function
    1. LPCHARACTER ch;
    2. if (ch->GetQuestFlag("QUESTNAME.test_affect") == 1)
    3. {
    4. m_afAffectFlag.Set(AFF_TEST);
    5. }

    I corrected it for him. He's already in the char-Class.

    So its just:

    1. if (GetQuestFlag("QUESTNAME.test_affect") == 1)
    2. {
    3. m_afAffectFlag.Set(AFF_TEST);
    4. }

    Even if this could be a sample code. Dont show people how to use uninitialized variables :(

    didn't realize he already was in the char class, sorry.

    Hey, explain in english what your problem is, and i'll be glad to help you.

    Edit: I think I understood, you want to substitute the Gold requirement with tot. number of player's easy, send me the quest.

    yes the dungeon itself doesn't start after the tp. And the timer doesn't unlock the teleport again. Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen. you got any idea why?

    The function was declared earlier in the quest itself, it should be usable..

    it doesn't matter, you need to declare it in the quest_function ^^ without this, you are not able to use this function in your quest

    No, johhny was right, he was getting the error cause i called WarpInDungeon as global function and not local function, the right thing to call is beran.WarpInDungeon.

    I did and know i get an error saying : Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen.

    c/p it again i fixed it, sorry.

    yes the dungeon itself doesn't start after the tp. And the timer doesn't unlock the teleport again. Bitte melden Sie sich an, um diesen Link zu sehen. you got any idea why?


    1. elseif pc.is_gm() then --ignore everything if you are a GM
    2. pc.setqf("Bossraumvoll", 1)
    3. timer("bosscooldown", 30)
    4. d.new_jump_party(208, 202, 212)
    5. elseif not party.is_party() then --denied if not in group
    6. syschat("Du musst in einer Gruppe sein!")
    7. else
    8. pc.setqf("Bossraumvoll", 1) --blocks the room
    9. timer("bosscooldown", 900) --time for 15 mins
    10. d.jump_all(819200, 1049600)

    I think you are pretty confused.

    You are using d.new_jump_party if you are a GM without checking for a group nor for the party leader, you can't use that function without being in a group. (besides, you are using The X and Y arguments wrongly.)
    Then and only then you check for a party (??)
    Then if none of the following is met, you try warp ALL the players in map inside.

    So you basically wrote nothing,

    P.s: How the hell do you expect to block the room to other players by setting a local questflag? The functions you're looking for here are game.set_event_flag and game.get_event_flag.